Two New Shamanic Workshops –
Shamanism and Beyond, Part 1 and 2

Shamanism and Beyond, Part 1
March 12, 2019
6:30pm Mountain Time
Learn the basics of how energy works and how YOUR energy field works. Learn what causes disease or health. Find out how you can rid yourself of negativity and emotional hurt—no matter how long you have had it—and re-create yourself. Also learn:
What makes Incan Shamanism unique and so powerful as a healing modality
The anatomy of your energy field that holds the key to your health and aging
The tie between your spiritual body and your physical body for health
How you can lose a piece of your soul, how you can recognize if a part of you is missing and how to get it back
OR attend via phone or Internet.
FREE TO ATTEND. Donations are welcome. (Suggested donation $20.)
Find out more or register at or call 307/699-7480 (after hours call 307/699-4048)
Details regarding how to attend via phone or Internet will be sent once
you register.
Shamanism and Beyond, Part 2
March 26, 2019
6:30pm Mountain Time
Discover the history of the ancient Incans spiritual tradition of shamanism that began in Peru. Mary will share insights on:
The Incan Golden Age, with details on their healing practice
The demise of the Incan culture with the coming of Europeans
The prophecy that Incan Shamanism would “turn upside down”, but in our time would return in a new Incan Golden Age
How the original pure Sacred Shamanism is returning in our time
What does the famous Alchemist Saint Germain have to do with the return of the original pure shamanism?
These workshops are sponsored by:
New Wisdom University
Medicine Wheel Wellness